Deceased Estate House Clearing
Sunshine Coast

The process of clearing out the deceased estate of a loved one can be overwhelming and emotionally challenging as you sort through their belongings and uncover mementos that remind you of moments you shared. With Edit Organising and my deceased estate house-clearing services, I’m here to offer my compassionate support and professional expertise, helping you manage the practical aspects with sensitivity while honouring the emotional significance of this time. 

Based in the Sunshine Coast and offering my assistance all the way down to the northern suburbs of Brisbane, with my deceased estate clearance services, I provide you with gentle guidance and hands-on help through every step of this journey.

decluttering services

What is Deceased Estate House Clearing?

Deceased estate house clearing is a complex and comprehensive process that involves carefully and thoughtfully sorting, organising, and disposing of the belongings of a loved one who has passed away. 

Deceased estate house clearing should not be confused with the actual cleaning of the property (although I can provide recommendations for some excellent cleaning services). Instead, it focuses on managing and making decisions about the items left behind and is an essential step in decluttering the space before the cleaning takes place. This process is often necessary to prepare the property for sale or a transition to new occupants.

My Approach

The time after the services, when everyone has returned home, and life begins to settle, can be eerily quiet and overwhelming. The reality of having to sort through your loved one’s belongings can set in. Where do you even start? How do you manage such an immense task with so many other responsibilities?

With Edit Organising, you don’t have to do any of it alone. Whether you’ve got help from family or are handling it all by yourself, my approach is compassionate and collaborative as I work with you to organise your loved one’s belongings. My estate clearing services ensure that every item, from keepsakes like family heirlooms and photo albums to everyday items such as clothes and homewares, finds its place.

Sorting out Personal Belongings

Decluttering and packing up a lost loved one’s home is a difficult and emotional challenge. You’re likely looking around at all their belongings, feeling overwhelmed about where to start. What do you keep? What do you donate? Should you throw anything away? What you’re experiencing is normal, and all those questions are valid.

Deceased estate house clearances aren’t just about throwing away the sentimental. Instead, I’ll help sort through every belonging, ensuring you keep what you want to keep, donate what you wish, and dispose of anything you don’t want to hold onto.


Deciding what to keep and what to give away can be incredibly difficult when you are dealing with the death of a loved one. I’m here to offer my support and assist you in identifying items of sentimental value and practical use, helping you make thoughtful decisions on what to keep and what can be passed on or let go of.

We will work together to create a meaningful selection of keepsakes that honour your loved one and keep their memory alive. This process may include keeping items and giving some away to relatives.


Some items may be beyond repair or unsuitable for donation, and although it can be challenging to part with them, it’s necessary to ensure the space is cleared and prepared for its next chapter. Handling these items and making tough decisions about what should be discarded can be tricky, even if you have the support of other loved ones.

With all of this and so much more involved in managing a loved one’s deceased estate, the last thing you want to look after is rubbish removal. I can help you through this process, using my expertise as a professional organiser to guide you in deciding what to keep and discard, and taking care of the disposal of unwanted items. This way, you and your family can focus on what matters during this time.


I understand that sorting through a loved one’s belongings can feel like a mammoth task, even more so when you’re trying to manage all aspects of their estate on your own. It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained during this time. That’s why I’m here—to offer a helping hand and a compassionate heart so you don’t have to face this challenge alone.

Together, we can sort through their items and spot anything worth selling—whether it’s antiques, collectibles, or pieces of furniture. I’ll guide you on how to sell these items, ensuring they reach the right buyers and bring you the best possible outcome. My goal is to support you through this process, making it as smooth and stress-free as possible while you concentrate on navigating this period of change at your own pace.


There’s something really beautiful about giving items a second chance at bringing joy—especially when they were cherished by someone so dear to you. For those special items that still hold a lot of value, and neither you nor any of your family members feel inclined to keep them, donating them to charity can be a meaningful way to honour the memory of your loved one.

We can work together to make thoughtful decisions about which items to donate and where to donate, ensuring they go to places where they’ll be appreciated and well-used. I’ll also handle the rest of the donation process so you can focus on being with your family during this time.

Reach Out

Nobody ever wants to imagine having to organise the belongings of a loved one when they pass away, let alone the feeling of facing the mammoth task of deciding what to keep and what to let go of. Whether you’re facing this challenge alone or with the support of family members who are also navigating their own grief, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

At Edit Organising, with my deceased estate house clearing services, I provide you and your family with compassionate, practical support when it comes to organising and sorting belongings within the estate. Based in the Sunshine Coast and offering my expertise down to the northern suburbs of Brisbane, my goal is to lift the weight off your shoulders, enabling you to move through this period with a bit more ease and much less burden.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need support in the form of experienced estate clearing services, please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss how I can help you.

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